Thrive is a systematic approach to the early identification of emotional development need in children and young people so that differentiated provision can be put in place quickly by adults working most closely with the child or young person. It is preventative, reparative, pragmatic and easy to use.
We use it because addressing emotional developmental needs builds resilience and resourcefulness, decreases the risk of mental illness, reinvigorates the learning provision and helps those young people who are at risk of underachieving or exclusion to stay in school and re-engage in learning.
Thrive offers age appropriate developmental activities which are specifically chosen for individual children. This knowledge is then used to shape our approach and best support our children to access learning opportunities. The adapted approaches will enhance their emotional and social skills, improve their emotional wellbeing and further develop their emotional literacy.
The Thrive approach allows us to look at the behaviour of the child to gain a more in depth understanding about what they may be experiencing. We have seen that a consistent use of the Thrive approach has helped improve attitudes to learning, increased school attendance in learners’ emotional and social skills and Improved relationships within peer groups.
Click here to read more:
Our Careers program is designed to inspire children to be more than they thought they could be- whether this is through classwork, educational visits or work experience. We want our learners to thrive in their journey through life. All year 7’s to year 10’s will be given the opportunity to:
Termly careers guidance meetings
Extend their work skills knowledge through a robust curriculum
Chance to attend open days and career events
Work experience placements where appropriate and
Access to up to date information about transitions into work or further education.
In addition to this, as the Learners begin thinking about transitions into the world of work or further education, the year 11's will transfer to the pre- post 16 transition HERA program that supports: careers, Thrive, life skills and independence.
Our Careers Development Program is underpinned by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation Benchmarks, which set out eight responsibilities all learners should gain through their educational journey.
Parents and carers are also invited to contact the careers lead or book sessions to explore their child’s next steps while they remain with us, as well as full access to the policies around career development or work experience.
Careers Information
For additional assistance and support related to careers and employability please contact Barry Hopkins - Careers guidance coordinator - 01945 580898.
Cambridgeshire students - Moving On Into Work Guide
Norfolk students - Preparing for Adult Life
Lincolnshire students - Family Services Directory & Local Offer
Local Provisions:
Cambridgeshire Regional College
National websites: