
The intention of the Geography Curriculum at West Yarner/Seale Hayne  School is to inspire children’s curiosity and interest to explore the world that we live in and its people, to develop contextual knowledge of the local area and locations of globally significant places.

We follow an aspiring and creative progression document for Geography that combines knowledge of the Geographical Environment with close links to History.

In KS2 our children extend their prior knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America.  Our KS3 children consolidate and extend their knowledge of the world’s major countries and their physical and human features learning about Russia, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

We develop children’s knowledge through studying places, people and natural and human environments. We intend to equip our children with geographical skills of collecting and analysing a range of field work data, interpreting a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes and aerial photographs.

We put great focus on learning and understanding required geographical vocabulary so that the children are able to understand and communicate geographical information in a variety of ways.

Geography, by nature, is an investigative subject and we teach a lot of aspects of it in a practical way using our school grounds, the river Dart and the forest school area.

West Yarner

West Yarner, Dun Cross, Dartington, Devon, TQ9 6DX

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Seale Hayne

Seale Hayne, Howton Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6NQ

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